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2019年毕业于暨南大学,中药学专业,获医学博士学位,师从姚新生院士。2019年9月至2021年10月,在暨南大学临床医学博士后流动站进行博士后研究。2021年12月至今,广西师范大学师资博士后,副教授。主要从事中药药效物质基础与质量控制研究,至今已获得国家自然科学基金青年基金、澳门青年学者计划(2023)、省部共建药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室人才引进项目、中国博士后基金、广西博士后创新人才支持计划、广西自然科学基金(青年基金,面上项目)、北海市中医医院博士后创新实践基地科研合作项目、玉林市中西医结合骨科医院委托项目、广西师范大学博士后启动基金、广西师范大学科研启动基金、暨南大学附属第一医院博士后启动基金等12项资助,作为子课题负责人参与广西重点研发计划和特一药业技术开发项目。参与中央引导地方计划(自由探索类基础研究类)、广东省自然科学基金面上项目等4项科学研究项目。已在Phytomedicine、Journal of Ethnopharmacology、Food & Function、Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis等中药分析与药效物质领域SCI期刊上发表论文41篇(其中第一或通讯作者30篇)。担任广西中西医结合学会第一届方药量效专业委员会常务委员以及Phytomedicine、Journal of Ethnopharmacology等期刊审稿人。





2016.9-2019.6 暨南大学,博士,专业:中药化学,导师:姚新生 院士

2013.9-2016.6 暨南大学,硕士,专业:药物化学,导师:戴毅 研究员

2009.9-2013.6 山西医科大学,本科,专业:药学



2021.12-至今,广西师范大学,博士后,合作导师:梁宏 教授(“国家高层次人才特殊支持计划”领军人才)

2019.9-2021.10 暨南大学临床医学博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师:李瑞满教授、陈家旭教授(国家杰出青年基金、长江学者)


















1.Chen DJ, Liu CJ, Chen ZH, Li JJ, Shi W, Zhang QM, Yang X, Chen JX, Zhang FXChemical profiling of Zhi-Ke-Bao pills and its potential mechanism against cough by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and network pharmacology.J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2024,247:116257.

2.Wang B, Yang X, Lin JH, Wang GH, Chen JX, Jin T, Zhang FX. Systematic characterization of triterpenoids in Ganoderma lucidum by UHPLC-Q/TOF MS.Curr Anal Chem. 2024. 

3.Rao SW, Liu CJ, Liang D, Duan YY, Chen ZH, Li JJ, Pang HQ, Zhang FX, Shi W. Multi-omics and chemical profiling approaches to understand the material foundation and pharmacological mechanism of Sophorae Tonkinensis Radix et Rhizome-induced liver injury in mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2024,118224.

4.Li JJ, Chen ZH, Liu CJ, Kang YS, Tu XP, Liang H, Shi W, Zhang FX. The phytochemistry, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, quality control, and toxicity of Forsythiae Fructus : An updated systematic review. Phytochemistry, 2024,114096.

5.Liu CJ, Li HX, Chen ZH, Li JJ, Shi W, Zhang FX. A review of the ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology, pharmacokineticsand toxicology of Abri Herba (Ji-Gu-Cao). Phytochemistry, 2024, 221,114064.

6.Chen ZH, Zou QF, Jiang LJ, Liu CJ, Li JJ, Shi W, Chen ZF, Zhang FX. The comparative analysis of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and Lonicerae Flos: A systematical review. J Ethnopharmacol. 2024,323:117697.

7.Rao SW, Zhang FX, Duan YY, Chen ZH, Liang D, Shi W. Urea-based deep eutectic solvents enzyme system for high efficiency extraction of alkaloids and flavonoids in plants:Zanthoxylum nitidum(Roxb.)DC.as a case. Microchem J2024,199:109964.


1. Liu CJ, Li HX, Zhang YM, Shi W, Zhang FX. Dissection of the antitumor mechanism of tetrandrine based on metabolite profiling and network pharmacology. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom.2024,38:e9662. 

2. Cui SS, Zhang P, Sun L, Yuan YL, Wang J, Zhang FX, Li R. Mucin1 induced trophoblast dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus via Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Biol Res. 2023, 22;56(1):48. 

3. Yang L, Zhang FX, He WW, Zhao BY, Zhang T, Wang S, Zhou LF, He JW. Extraction optimization and constituent analysis of total flavonoid from Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers flowers and its ameliorative effect on chronic prostatitis via inhibition of multiple inflammatory pathways in rats.J Ethnopharmacol.2024, 318(Pt A):116922.

4. Wang JY, Zhang P, Liu MY, Huang ZR, Yang XF, Ding YZ, Liu J, Cheng X, Xu SJ, He MY, Zhang FX, Wang G, Li RM, Yang XS. Alpha-2-macroglobulin is involved in the occurrence of early-onset pre-eclampsia via its negative impact on uterine spiral artery remodeling and placental angiogenesis. BMC Med.2023,21(1):90.

5. Rao SW, Duan YY, Zhao DS, Liu CJ, Xu SH, Liang D, Zhang FX, Shi W. Integrative Analysis of Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Data for Identification of Pathways Related to Matrine-Induced Hepatotoxicity. Chem Res Toxicol. 2022, 35(12):2271-2284.(IF=3.973

6. Qiu ZC, Zhang FX, Hu XL, Zhang YY, Tang ZL, Zhang J, Yang L, Wong MS, Chen JX, Xiao HH. Genistein Modified with 8-Prenyl Group Suppresses Osteoclast Activity Directly via Its Prototype but Not Metabolite by Gut Microbiota. Molecules 2022, 27(22):7811.(IF=4.927

7. Wang YJ, Liu CY, Wang YL, Zhang FX, Lu YF, Dai SY, Li C, Sun Y, Pei YH. Cytotoxic Cyclodepsipeptides and Cyclopentane Derivatives from a Plant-Associated Fungus Fusarium sp. J Nat Prod. 2022, 85(11):2592-2602.(IF=4.803)

8. Li M, Huang ZY, Yuan YLL, Cui SS, Li H J, Zhang FX. Characterization of chemical components and the potential anti-influenza mechanism of Fructus Arctii by a strategy integrating pharmacological evaluations, chemical profiling, serum pharmacochemistry, and network pharmacology. New J. Chem. 2022, 46, 18426-18446.(IF=3.925

9. Li C, Sun CZ, Yang YH, Ma N, Wang YJ, Zhang FX, Pei YH. A novel strategy by integrating chemical profiling, molecular networking, chemical isolation, and activity evaluation to target isolation of potential anti-ACE2 candidates in Forsythiae Fructus. Phytomedicine 2022, 96:153888.(IF=6.656)

10. Liu HY, Cai X, Liu J, Zhang FX, He AD, Li RM. The MEG3 lncRNA promotes trophoblastic cell growth and invasiveness in preeclampsia by acting as a sponge for miR-21, which regulates BMPR2 levels. Eur J Histochem. 2021, 65(4):3323.(IF=1.966)

11. Zhang FX, Cui SS, Yuan YL, Li C, Li RM. Dissection of the potential anti-diabetes mechanism of salvianolic acid B by metabolite profiling and network pharmacology. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom.2022, 36(1):e9205.(IF=2.586)

12. Zhang FX, Li M, Yuan YLL, Cui SS, Qiu ZC, Li RM. Dissection of the potential pharmacological mechanism of Rhizoma Coptidis water extract against inflammation in Diabetes Mellitus by chemical profiling, network pharmacology and experimental validation. New J. Chem.2021, 45, 16283-16297.(IF=3.925

13. Zhang FX, Yuan YLL, Cui SS, Wang GH, Li RM. Revealing the potential pharmacological mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine by integrating metabolite profiling of Q-marker and network pharmacology, prim-O-glucosylcimifugin as an example.New J. Chem.2021,45, 15571-15581.(IF=3.925

14. Zhang FX, Yuan YL, Cui SS, Li M, Li RM. Characterization of metabolic fate of phellodendrine and its potential pharmacological mechanism against diabetes mellitus by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-coupled time-of-flight mass spectrometry and network pharmacology. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom.2021, 35(18):e9157.(IF=2.586)

15. Zhang FX, Tang ZL, Qiu ZC. A novel strategy for exploring food originated anti-adipogenesis substances and mechanism by structural similarity evaluation, ADME prediction, network pharmacology and experimental validation. Food Funct. 2021, 12(15):7081-7091.(IF=6.317)

16. Li ZT, Zhang FX, Fan CL, Ye MN, Chen WW, Yao ZH, Yao XS, Dai Y. Discovery of potential Q-marker of traditional Chinese medicine based on plant metabolomics and network pharmacology: Periplocae Cortex as an example. Phytomedicine 2021, 85:153535.(IF=6.656)

17. Zhang FX, Yuan YL , Cui SS , Li M , Tan X , Qiu ZC , Li RM . Dissection of the potential pharmacological function of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone - a food additive - by in vivo substances profiling and network pharmacology. Food Funct. 2021, 12(10):4325-4336.(IF=6.317)

18. Wang YJ, Ma N, Liu CY, Feng YX, Zhang FX, Li C, Pei YH. Xanthones and anthraquinones from the soil fungus Penicillium sp. DWS10-P-6. RSC Adv. 2021, 11(5):3162-3167.(IF=4.036)

19. Zhang FX, Yuan YLL, Wang JY, Li ZT, Cui SS, Zhu FC, Qiu D, Wang Y, Li RM. Characterization of metabolism feature and potential pharmacological changes of morusin-a promising anti-tumor drug-by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled time-of-flight mass spectrometry and network pharmacology. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2020, 14(2):102964.(IF=6.212)

20. Zhang FX, Li ZT, Yang X, Xie ZN, Chen MH, Yao ZH, Chen JX, Yao XS, Dai Y. Discovery of anti-flu substances and mechanism of Shuang-Huang-Lian water extract based on serum pharmaco-chemistry and network pharmacology. J Ethnopharmacol.2021, 268:113660.(IF=5.195)

21. Li M, Zhang FX, Wei ZC, Li ZT, Zhang GX, Li HJ. Systematically characterization of in vivo substances of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen in rats by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry analysis. J Pharm Biomed Anal.2021, 193:113756.(IF=3.571)

22. Zhang FX, Li ZT, Li M, Yuan YL, Cui SS, Chen JX, Li RM. Dissection of the potential anti-influenza materials and mechanism of Lonicerae japonicae flos based on in vivo substances profiling and network pharmacology. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2021, 193:113721.(IF=3.571)

23. Zhang FX, Cui SS, Li ZT, Yuan YLL, Li C, Li RM. A combination of metabolite profiling and network pharmacology to explore the potential pharmacological changes of secoisolariciresinol-diglycoside. RSC Adv. 2020, 10(57):34847-34858.(IF=4.036)

24. Zhang FX, Li ZT, Li C, Li M, Yao ZH, Yao XS, Dai Y. Characterization of lignans in Forsythiae Fructus and their metabolites in rats by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J Pharm Pharmacol.2020, 72(12):1879-1892.(IF=4.810)

25. Zhang FX, Li ZT, Li M, Yuan YL, Cui SS, Wang GH, Li RM. An integrated strategy for revealing the pharmacological changes based on metabolites profiling and network pharmacology: Arctiin as an example. J Chromatogr B 2020, 1157:122270.(IF=3.318)

26. Zhang FX, Li ZT, Li M, Yuan YLL, Cui SS, Chen JX, Li RM. An integrated strategy for profiling the chemical components of Scutellariae Radix and their exogenous substances in rats by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom.2020, 34(18):e8823.(IF=2.586)

27. Li ZT, Zhang FX, Chen WW, Chen MH, Tang XY, Ye MN, Yao ZH, Yao XS, Dai Y. Characterization of chemical components of Periplocae Cortex and their metabolites in rats using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr.2020, 34(4):e4807.(IF=1.911)

28. Zhao YQ, Jiang YN, Chen YM, Zhang FX, Zhang X, Zhu LJ, Yao XS. Dissection of mechanisms of Chinese medicinal formula Si-Miao-Yong-an decoction protects against cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in isoprenaline-induced heart failure. J Ethnopharmacol.2020, 248:112050.(IF=5.195)

29. Zhang FX, Xie ZN, Tang XY, Li C, Li M, Yao ZH, Dai Y, Yao XS. A combination of representative compounds, metabolism platform and diagnostic extraction strategy for characterization of metabolites of Shuang-Huang-Lian oral liquid in vivo by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2018, 155:216-234.(IF=3.571)

30. Gao MX, Tang XY, Zhang FX, Yao ZH, Yao XS, Dai Y. Biotransformation and metabolic profile of Xian-Ling-Gu-Bao capsule, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, with rat intestinal microflora by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry analysis. Biomed Chromatogr. 2018, 32(4):e4160.(IF=1.911)

31. Zhang FX, Li M, Yao ZH, Li C, Qiao LR, Shen XY, Yu K, Dai Y, Yao XS. A target and nontarget strategy for identification or characterization of the chemical ingredients in Chinese herb preparation Shuang-Huang-Lian oral liquid by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr. 2018, 32(3):e4110.(IF=1.911)

32. Zhang FX, Li M, Qiao LR, Yao ZH, Li C, Shen XY, Wang Y, Yu K, Yao XS, Dai Y. Rapid characterization of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen by UPLC/Qtof MS with novel informatics platform and its application in evaluation of two seeds from Ziziphus species. J Pharm Biomed Anal.2016, 122:59-80.(IF=3.571)

33. Wang PL, Zhang FX, Qiu ZC, Yao ZH, Wong MS, Yao XS, Dai Y. Isolation and identification of metabolites of bakuchiol in rats. Fitoterapia 2016, 109:31-8.(IF=3.204)

34. Wang PL, Yao ZH, Zhang FX, Shen XY, Dai Y, Qin L, Yao XS. Identification of metabolites of PSORALEAE FRUCTUS in rats by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry analysis. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2015, 112:23-35.(IF=3.571)

