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2016.09-2019.06   中国科学院化学研究所,物理化学,理学博士

2013.09-2016.06   大连理工大学,精细化工,工学硕士

2009.09-2013.06   大连理工大学,精细化工,工学学士


2019.07-至今  维多利亚网站vic,专任教师







1、Xi-Jie Lin, Yong-Gang Sun, Si-Jie Guo, Si-Dong Zhang, Yuan Liu, An-MinCao*, Kinetically-controlled formation of Fe2O3 nanoshells and its potential inLithium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 133188.(IF=16.744,各硕士点一级学科和专业硕士点学科提出的SCI顶刊)

2、Fan Tang, Yu-Wei Zhao, Yu Ge, Yong-Gang Sun, Yu Zhang, Xiu-Lin Yang,An-Min Cao*, Jian-Hua Qiu*, Xi-Jie Lin*, Synergistic effect of Mndoping and hollow structure boosting Mn-CoP/Co2P nanotubes asefficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting, Journalof Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 628, 524-533.(IF=9.965)

3、Fan Tang, Yong-Gang Sun, Guang-Xia Dai, Jia-Lin Yan, Xi-JieLin*, Jian-Hua Qiu*, An-Min Cao*,Template-free synthesis of Co-based oxides nanotubes as potential anodes forlithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 895, 162611.(IF=6.371)

4、Kui Liu*, Ya-Fei Cheng, Yao Wu, Xi-Jie Lin*, Efficient extraction ofaluminum from leaching solutions of waste alnico alloys by CA12-N235 system,Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 281, 119938.(IF=9.136)

5、Fan Tang, Si-Jie Guo, Yong-Gang Sun, Xi-Jie Lin*, Jian-Hua Qiu*, An-MinCao*, Facile Synthesis of Fe-Doped CoO Nanotubes as High-Efficient Electrocatalystsfor Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Small Structures, 2022, 2100211.(IF=11.343)

6、Xijie Lin, Yonggang Sun, Yuan Liu, Kecheng Jiang,* and Anmin Cao*. Stabilization of High-Energy Cathode Materials of Metal-IonBatteries: Control Strategies and Synthesis Protocols. Energy Fuels. 2021, 35, 7511-7527.(IF=3.421)

7、Kui Liu, Ya FeiCheng, Ying Shi, Wei Zhang, Yu Wang, Fan Tang, Xi-Jie Lin*. Synergisticeffect between La-Ni bimetallic oxides for the efficient decomposition ofhydrogen peroxide. New. J. Chem. 2021, 45, 1584-1589.(IF=3.288)

8、Xi-Jie Lin, Tian-Qi Sun, Li-Ping Yang, Yong-Gang Sun, De-Shan Bin, Shu-YiDuan, Yuan Liu, Rong-Wen Lv*, An-Min Cao*. A facile synthetic strategy for thecreation of hollow noble metal/transition metal oxide nanocomposites. Chem. Comm. 2019, 55, 1076-1079. (IF=5.996)

9、Xi-Jie Lin, Rong-Wen Lu*, An-Min Cao*. Preparation and catalytic properties ofmesoporous carbon sphere. Scientia Sinica Chimica. 2016, 46,1126-1130.

10、Xi-Jie Lin, Ai-Zhi Zhong, Yong-Bin Sun, Xing Zhang, Wei-Guo Song, Rong-WenLu*, An-Min Cao*, Li-Jun Wan*. In-situ encapsulation of Pd inside the MCM-41channel. Chem. Comm. 2015, 51, 7482-7485. (IF=5.996)

11、Xi-Jie Lin, Tian-Qi Sun, Yong-Gang Sun, Chen Zeng, Rong-Wen Lu*, An-Min Cao*,A facile construction of Yolk-shell structured metal-TiO2 nanocompositewith potential for p-nitrophenol reduction. New. J. Chem. 2018, 42, 3184-3187. (IF=3.288)

12、林茜颉, 吕荣文, 曹安民. 金属/TiOYolk-shell结构的构筑及催化性能研究, 中国化学会.中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化[C].中国化学会:,2016:2.

13、Yuan Liu, Xi-Jie Lin, Yong-Gang Sun, Yan-Song Xu, Bao-Bao Chang, Chun-Tai Liu, An-Min Cao*,Li-Jun Wan*. Precise surface engineering of cathode materials for improved stabilityof lithium-ion batteries. Small 2019, 15, 1901019. (IF=11.459)

14、De-Shan Bin, Xi-JieLin, Yong-Gang Sun, Ke Zhang, An-Min Cao*, Li-Jun Wan*. Engineering hollowcarbon architecture for high-performance K-ion battery anode. J. Am. Chem.Soc. 2018, 140, 7127-7134. (IF=14.612)

15、Li-Ping Yang, Xi-Jie Lin, Xing Zhang, Wei Zhang, An-Min Cao*, Li-Jun Wan*. General syntheticstrategy for hollow hybrid microspheres through a progressive inwardcrystallization process. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 5916-5922. (IF=14.612)

16、Wen-Xin Mao, Xi-Jie Lin, Wei Zhang, Zi-Xiang Chi, Rong-Wen Lu, An-Min Cao*, Li-Jun Wan*.Core-shell structured TiO2@polydopamine for highly activevisible-light photocatalysis. Chem. Comm. 2016, 52, 7122-7125. (IF=5.996)

17、Cui Wang, Xi-Jie Lin, Yu-Zhen Ge, Zameer-Hussain Shah, Rong-Wen Lu*, Shu-Fen Zhang*.Silica-supported ultra-small gold nanoparticles as nanoreactors for theetherification of silanes. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 102102-102108. (IF=3.119)

18、Wei Zhang, Xi-Jie Lin, Yong-Gang Sun, De-Shan Bin, An-Min Cao*, Li-Jun Wan*. Controlledformation of metal@Al2O3 Yolk-Shell nanostructures withimproved thermal stability. ACS. Appl. Mater. Inter. 2015, 7, 27031-27034. (IF=8.758)

19、De-Shan Bin, Shu-Yi Duan, Xi-Jie Lin, Lin Liu, Yuan Liu, Yan-Song Xu, Yong-Gang Sun,Xian-Sen Tao, An-Min Cao*, Li-Jun Wan*. Structural engineering of SnS2/graphenenanocomposite for high-performance K-ion battery anode. Nano Energy 2019, 60, 912-918. (IF=16.602)

20、Shu-Yi Duan, Jun-Yu Piao, Lin, Xi-Jie, Yong-Gang Sun, Yan-Song Xu, An-Min Cao*, Li-Jun Wan*. Crystallization-induced self-hollowing of molybdenum sulfidenanoparticles and their potential in sodium ion batteries. Chem. Comm. 2019, 55, 5894-5897. (IF=5.996)

21、Jun-Yu Piao,Shu-Yi Duan, Xi-Jie Lin, Xian-Sen Tao, Yan-Song Xu, An-Min Cao*, Li-JunWan*. Surface Zn doped LiMn2O4 for an improved high temperatureperformance. Chem. Comm. 2018, 54, 5326-5329. (IF=5.996)

22、Xian-Sen Tao,Yong-Gang Sun, Xi-Jie Lin, Lin-Lin Hu, Tian-Qi Sun, Dong Zhang, An-MinCao*, Li-Jun Wan*. Construction of uniform ZrO2 nanoshells by buffersolutions. Dalton T. 2018, 47, 12843-12846. (IF=4.174)

23、Yong-Gang Sun,Tian-Qi Sun, Xi-Jie Lin, Xian-Sen Tao, Dong Zhang, Chen Zeng, An-Min Cao*,Li-Jun Wan*. Facile synthesis of hollow Ti2Nb10O29microspheres for high-rate anode of Li-ion batteries. Sci. China-Chem. 2018, 61, 670-676. (IF=6.356)

24、Yu-Zhen Ge, ShahZH, Xi-Jie Lin, Rong-Wen Lu*, Zhang-Ming Liao, Shu-Fen Zhang*. Highly efficient Pt decorated CoCu bimetallic nanoparticles protected in silica for hydrogen productionfrom ammonia-borane. Acs. Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 1675-1684. (IF=7.632)

25、Zameer-HussainShah, Yu-Zhen Ge, Xi-Jie Lin, Jing-Hai Xiu, Shu-Fen Zhang*, Rong-Wen Lu*.Chloride capping of CdTiO3 for higher crystallinity and enhanced photocatalyticactivity. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 1637-1643.(IF=3.430)

26、Jun-Yu Piao,De-Shan Bin, Shu-Yi Duan, Xi-Jie Lin, Dong Zhang, An-Min Cao*. A faciletemplate free synthesis of porous carbon nanospheres with high capacitiveperformance. Sci. China-Chem. 2018, 61, 538-544.(IF=6.356)

27、Yu-Zhen Ge,Wan-Yue Ye, Shah ZH, Xi-Jie Lin, Rong-Wen Lu*, Shu-Fen Zhang*. PtNi/NiO clusters coated by hollow sillica: novel design for highly efficient hydrogenproduction from ammonia-borane. ACS. Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, 9, 3749-3756. (IF=8.758)

28、曹安民,林茜颉,万立骏. 一种溶液相中构筑厚度可控的金属氧化物包覆层的方法, ZL201910770861.0.

29、 林茜颉, 唐凡. 一种基于无模板法的掺杂型管状钴基材料的制备方法及应用. 202111567307.6.










