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点击数:7664 来源:维多利亚网站vic 作者: 录入:人员机构 更新时间:2021-05-18

梁宏 [教授]





梁宏,博士,教授。现任广西自治区科协副主席,省部共建药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室/教育部重点实验室主任,广西师范大学博士生导师;曾任广西师范大学校长(2002-2017),兼任南开大学、南京大学无机化学博士生导师和中南大学应用化学博士生导师(2001-2013)。在Nat. Commun.,Coord. Chem. Rev.,J. Med. Chem.,Angew Chem Int Ed,Small,Chem. Sci.,Chem. Commun.,Eur. J. Med. Chem.,Mol. Pharm.,Chem. J,Anal. Chem.,Inorg. Chem.,CCS Chem.和《中国科学》等国内外SCI期刊发表论文400余篇,并被SCI引用8600余次;获授权国家发明专利50余项;获得广西科学技术奖特别贡献奖、广西科技进步一等奖和广西自然科学一等奖等省级科技成果奖12项。
















国际期刊《Journal of Inorgnic Biochemistry》编委

国际期刊《Journal of NaturalMedicines Research》编委

国际期刊《Curr Pharm Des》 客座主编









1. Yi Gou, Guo-Jin Huang, Jin-Long Li, Feng Yang*,Hong Liang*. Versatile delivery systems for non-platinummetal-based anticancer therapeutic agents, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2021, 441, 213975.


2. Ji-Ping Yue#, Yao Zhang#, Wen-Guang G. Liang, Xue-Wen Gou, Philbert Lee, Han Liu,Wan-Qing Lyu, Wei-Jen Tang, Shao-Yu Chen, Feng Yang*, Hong Liang*, Xiao-Yang Wu*. In vivo epidermal migration requiresfocal adhesion targeting of ACF7. Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 11692


3. Yan-Lei Ma#, Ji-Ping Yue#, Yao Zhang#, Chen-Zhang Shi#, Matt Odenwald, WenguangG. Liang, QingWei, AjayGoel, Xue-WenGou, JamieZhang, Shao-YuChen, Wei-Jen Tang, JerroldR. Turner, FengYang*, HongLiang*, Huan-Long Qin*, Xiao-Yang Wu*. ACF7 regulates inflammatory colitis and intestinal woundresponse by orchestrating tight junction dynamics.NatureCommunications, 2017, 8, 15375


4. Zhen-Feng Chen*, Qi-Pin Qin, Jiao-Lan Qin, Yan-Cheng Liu, Ke-Bin Huang, Yu-Lan Li, TingMeng, Guo-Hai Zhang, Yan Peng, Xu-Jian Luo, Hong Liang*. Stabilization of G-quadruplex DNA, inhibition oftelomerase activity, and tumor cell apoptosis by organoplatinum(II) complexeswith oxoisoaporphine Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015,58, 2159-2179


5. Zhen-Feng Chen*, Qi-Pin Qin, Jiao-Lan Qin, Jie Zhou, Yu-Lan Li, Nan Li, Yan-Cheng Liu, Hong Liang*. Water-solubleruthenium(II) complexes with chiral 4-(2,3-Dihydroxypropyl)-formamideoxoaporphine (FOA): in vitro and in vivo anticancer activity by stabilizationof G-quadruplex DNA, inhibition of telomerase activity, and induction of tumorcell apoptosis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015,58, 4771-4789.


6. Ke-Bin Huang, Feng-Yang Wang, Xiao-Ming Tang, Hai-Wen Feng, Zhen-Feng Chen*, Yan-Cheng Liu, You-Nian Liu, Hong Liang*.Organometallic Gold(III) Complexes Similar to Tetrahydroisoquinoline InduceER-Stress-Mediated Apoptosis   andPro-Death Autophagy in A549 Cancer Cells.Journalof Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 61, 3478-3490.


7. Xing Lu, Yan-Cheng Liu, Chris Orvig, Hong Liang*, Zhen-Feng Chen*. Discoveryof a Copper-based Mcl‑1 inhibitor as an effectiveantitumor agent. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 63, 9154-9167.


8. Noor Shad Gul, Taj-Malook Khan, Yan-Cheng Liu,Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, Zhen-Feng Chen*, HongLiang*. Pd(II) and Rh(III) complexes with isoquinoline derivatives inducedmitochondria-mediated apoptotic and autophagic cell death in HepG2 cells. CCSChemistry, 2020, 2,1626–1641.


9. Ke-Bin Huang, Feng-Yang Wang, Hai-Wen Feng, He-Jiang Luo, Yan Long,Tao-Tao Zou*, Albert S.C.Chan, Rong Liu, Hua-Hong Zou, Zhen-Feng Chen*,Yan-Cheng Liu, You-Nian Liu, Hong Liang*. An aminophosphonate esterligand-containing platinum(II) complex induces potent immunogenic cell death invitro and elicits effffective anti-tumour immune responses in vivo.Chemical Communications, 2019,55, 13066-13069.


10. Zhen-Lei Zhang, Ping Yu, Yi Gou, Ju-Zheng Zhang, Shan-HeLi,Mei-Ling Cai, Hong-Bin Sun, Feng Yang*, Hong Liang*. Novel brain-tumor-inhibitingcopper(II) compound based on a human serum albumin(HSA)-cell penetratingpeptide conjugate. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2019, 62, 13066-13069.


11. Ju-Zheng Zhang, Zhen-Lei Zhang, Ming Jiang, Shan-He Li, Hao-Liang Yuan, Hong-Bin Sun,Feng Yang*, Hong Liang*. Developinga novel Gold(III) agent to treat glioma based on the unique properties ofapoferritin nanoparticles: Inducing lethal autophagy and apoptosis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2020, 63, 13695-13708.


12. Feng-Yang Wang, Ke-Bin Huang*, Hai-Wen Feng,Zhen-Feng Chenb You-Nian Liu*, Hong Liang* NewPlatinum (II) agent induces bimodal death of apoptosis and autophagy againstA549 cancer cell. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2018, 129, 418-429.


13. Bang-Ping Jiang, Li Zhang, Xiao-Lu Guo, Xing-Can Shen*, Yan Wang, Yang Zhu,Hong Liang*.Poly(N-phenylglycine)-BasedNanoparticles as Highly Effective and Targeted Near-Infrared Photothermal Therapy/PhotodynamicTherapeutic Agents for Malignant Melanoma. Small, 2017, 1602496.


14. Yuan-Yuan Wang, Wen-Long Wang, Xing-Can Shen*, Bo Zhou, Ting Chen, Zheng-Xi Guo,Chang-Chun Wen, Bang-Ping Jiang*, HongLiang*. Combination-responsive MoO3−x-hybridized hyaluronic acid hollownanospheres for cancer phototheranostics.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018,10, 42088-42101.


15. Jia-Yao Xu, Ming Shi, Wen-Ting Chen, Yong Huang*, Lina Fang, Li-Fang Yao, Shu-Lin Zhao*,Zhen-Feng Chen, Hong Liang*. A gold nanoparticle-basedfour-color proximity immunoassay for one-step, multiplexed detection of proteinbiomarkers using ribonuclease H signal amplification. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 2719-2722.


16. Jia-Yao Xu, Lina Fang, Ming Shi, Yong Huang*, Li-Fang Yao, Shu-LinZhao*, Liang-Liang Zhang, Hong Liang*.A peptide-based four-color fluorescent polydopamine nanoprobe for multiplexedsensing and imaging of proteases in living cells. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 1651-1654.


17. Li-Fang Yao, Jiao-Yao Xu, Ming Shi, Yong Huang*, Li-Na Fang, Shu-Lin Zhao*,Zhen-Feng Chen, Hong Liang*.Polydopamine nanoparticle- based multicolor proximity immunoassays forultrasensitive,multiplexed analysis of proteins using isothermal quadraticamplifification. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2019, 282,626-635.


18. Ming-Yue Xue,Jing-Jin Zhao, Zhi-Hua Zhan, Shu-Lin Zhao*, Chuan-Qing Lan, Fang-Gui Ye, Hong Liang*. Dual functionalizednatural biomass carbon dots from lychee exocarp for cancer cell targetablenear-infrared fluorescence imaging and photodynamic therapy. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 18124-18130.



1. Designing pro-drugs based on special residues of humanserum albumin. Curr Top Med Chem. 2016, 16: 996-1008. (医学SCI 2区)

2. Alkaloid-metal based anticancer agents. CurrTop Med Chem, 2013, 13: 2104-2115.

3. Evaluation of interactions betweenplatinum-/ruthenium-based anticancer agents and human serum albumin:Development of HSA carrier for metal-based drugs. Curr PharmDesign. 2015, 21: 1848-61. (医学SCI 2区)


专题评论 (EditorialArticle): 

1. HSA-basedanti-inflammatory therapy: a new and improved approach. Future MedChem. 2014, 6: 119-21. (医学SCI 2区)

2. HSA IIA subdomain-based developing anticancer metalpro-drug: a new and improved approach. Future Med Chem.2016, 8: 89-91.

3. HSA-based drug development and drug delivery systems. CurrPharm Design. 2016, 21: 1784. (医学SCI 2区)



(1)广西院士后备入选培养工程项目:中药活性成分无机药物及其载运体系研究(1500万元) (2017.10-2022.10)


(3)国家自然科学基金-重点项目(21431001): 基于中药活性成分金属抗肿瘤配合物研究(360万元) (2015.1-2019.12)



(6)国家自然科学基金(21171043): 抗肿瘤先导植物药、金属基药物与人血清白蛋白相互作用研究(80万元) (2012.1-2015.12)













